Illustration showing the obstacles a woman running for an office will

dodge speedily! (Politics)

There are NO LIMITS to what imagination based cartoons can achieve. You are looking at the ability to CLARIFY like no other media can achieve... quickly and  inexpensively, when compared to CGI movie magic. Below are just a few samples with an explanatory caption in red indicating what the MAGIC is for each one...


Old diesel submarine having a beer with the new kid on the block... a young, nuclear submarine!

Left... two tired adrenal glands.

Drawn to make a medical point.

Right... showing how a particular type of flooring resists harsh liquids.

Cartoon to show how teamwork  works in an office.

See training.

Cartoon showing the ugly things this guy is seeing through his microscope.

An Excel spreadsheet riding the front car of a roller coaster.

(below) Scenes from a training tutorial we illustrated.

(above) Super Hero  Illustration of this gentleman with his logo on his chest.

See caricatures and

Super Heroes.

(above) From a gag cartoon. Big gorilla is now their very successful collections department!

Cartoon we did for a blog to show the selection of new personnel can be a real gamble if one isn't careful.

(above) Red blood cell needing oxygen.

(right) Tommy the Termite...

From promotional postcards we did for an exterminator.

(below) Six caricatures for public relations of an upscale NYC Food Market

(above) From a cartoon series... Main character presenting to a bunch of clowns.

(below) Female 'Super Accountant' depicted in a sleigh for a Christmas card.

We also did a male version of 'Super Accountant' depicted in the same sleigh for a Christmas card.

Characters we did for a company that offers matrix or custom wedding speeches online. Left to right... best man, bride, bride's father, groom

Allow us to perform some magic for YOU!


Political cartoon about climate change.

See more Political Cartoons here.

Detail from a gag cartoon depicting the new office employee who is in charge of stock futures.

(below) Cartoon guy with pets superimposed over an interior photo of a veterinary  room.

Mathematical symbols, personified, all in a march to be a part of the 'equation!'

Office humor showing someone

working in 'the cloud!'

UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIAL: If I had to use one word to describe this cartoonist, it would be: OUTSTANDING! Fortunately, I can use more than one word like: professional, creative, responsive, thoughtful, involved, honest, helpful, and fast. No doubt, this is the start of a long and fruitful partnership. Bob, you get my highest recommendation. Thanks, CF.

Matthew Alleyne, Norway

Captain Fit




Blog Cartoons

Book Artwork





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