A POSTCARD is a great starting point for promoting. It doesn't even need to be snail-mailed! A postcard can be placed on counters for potential customers to pick-up. A postcard can be easily transformed / resized into a custom AD, flyer, email blast, or online promo piece!


A Word About


Your Content...

... alias more bang for your buck!

A custom designed postcard is also basically an AD or even the start of a brochure , flyer, email blast, blog or Facebook posting!


CartoonBob Studios has custom designed more postcards than we can even remember.

Call today to get one started for YOU!

Postcards and greeting cards are first cousins. One can basically have a postcard as the front of a folded card, and open it up to see a simple greeting card message inside.

One way to keep your advertising message in front of your clients is to schecule regular mailings (email or snail) throughout the seasons or holidays of the year!

We'd be glad to custom design a promotional package for you that is a perfect fit for your business or service.

Call today (347-610-2306) or email us, to have a chat with CartoonBob Studios to start the ball rolling towards more business for YOU!

ADS and postcard art are almost the same thing from a creative, art direction point of view. Different size, one side instead of two... but they are siblings from our point of view.

Above... Full page ad which we designed with caricatures and an OZ theme for a Real Estate agent. This was done for the inside front cover of a performance program at a local school that was putting on a performance of 'The Wizard Of Oz'.

Above... Full page comic strip ad we designed for Bitcoins.

Appeared in WIRED Magazine.


Bob, Thank you so much for responding as you did in this project. The end postcards look great and your understanding with my stop - start schedule was great. I can not recommend you highly enough. Brilliant work. Regards and thanks

Jeff Miles, Perth, Australia

The Business Doctor


Blog Cartoons

Book Artwork





click here to send us an email  • Text or Phone (USA EDT): 347-610-2306