For some products and markets, often a well designed set of cartoons can demonstrate the benefits and features of a product in a way that other methods just can't do as dramatically and clearly.

These examples are a set of cartoons we did to demonstrate the features and benefits of poured EPOXY FLOORING.

Even more cartoons we did to demonstrate the features and benefits of poured EPOXY FLOORING.

A Word About


Your Content...

... alias more bang for your buck!

Panels in a comic strip based AD can easily be used as scenes in a Powerpoint presentation or to accompany written posts on FaceBook or in your blog.


To further show the features and benefits of poured EPOXY FLOORING, we also did these custom combination cartoons.

We superimposed our cartoons over actual photos provide by our client of installed epoxy floors.

Would YOUR product lend itself to custom cartoons?

Call CartoonBob Studios to ask about it at no charge.


USA EDT Business hours please

4 stages of an ad design:

1) Discuss, conceptualize, and write it. (not shown)

2) (Left) Rough layout. Sometimes more than one.

3) (below) tightened version of layout

4) (Right) Finished Ad

Below... a comic strip AD we designed for a product called 'Child Buddy'!

Would YOUR product lend itself to custom cartoons?

Call CartoonBob Studios to ask about it at no charge. 347-610-2306

USA EDT Business hours please

UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIAL: Millennium Design exceeded expectations in terms of quality of work, professionalism, and value. We couldn’’t be happier with our decision to go with them. We highly recommend them and look forward to using them again in the future.

Dan Fisher, NJ

Stolen Car Reports



Blog Cartoons

Book Artwork





click here to send us an email  • Text or Phone (USA EDT): 347-610-2306