Caricatures are a great way to incorporate yourself or staff into your promotional or corporate communications.

We have a few levels of finish we offer at a sliding scale of pricing. Simple iconic sets would be considered budget caricatures, and are incredibly useful decorations. Full blown, highly finished caricatures are at the top of the $cale.

These simplistic, iconic caricatures are examples of our economy caricatures, and are usually best priced when done as a set of at least six poses. We'd be happy to estimate on a custom package for you.

These simplistic, iconic caricatures are examples of our economy caricatures, and are usually best priced when done as a set of at least six poses. We'd be happy to estimate on a custom package for you.

These simplistic, iconic caricatures (within this area with the pale yellow background) are examples of our economy caricatures, and are usually best priced when done as a set of at least six poses. We'd be happy to estimate on a custom package for you.

The four people hanging onto this airplane are actual caricatures of company executives. The color Santa illustrations done for promotional greeting cards aren't based on actual people, but designed to represent a profession... in this case accountants.

Below are two examples of our high end, most polished caricature work. We'll be glad to estimate.

UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIAL: This was a tricky graphics job with three portraits of men. Bob was totally cooperative and tried two different approaches. His willingness to modify and change the portraits with a rapid turnaround enabled us to achieve an external deadline. We achieved what we wanted, on time and within budget.

Isabel Deeble

Sydney, Australia




Blog Cartoons

Book Artwork





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